Ships of State Do Not Sail On for Ever

«For ships of state do not sail on for ever. They sometimes ride the storms, and sometimes founder. On occasion they limp into port to be refitted; on other occasions, damaged beyond repair, they are broken up; or they sink, slipping beneath the surface to a hidden resting place among the barnacles and the fishes». Norman Davies, «Vanished Kingdoms, The Rise and Fall of States and Nations».


«When addressing politics, we must accustom ourselves to think and speak about the actions and interests of specific, named leaders rather than thinking and talking about fuzzy ideas like the national interest, the common good, and the general welfare. Once we think about what helps leaders come to and stay in power, we will also begin to see how to fix politics. Politics, like all of life, is about individuals, each motivated to do what is good for them, not what is good for others».

Dictator’s Handbook

Τζάμπα μάγκες

«Αριστερό δεν είναι να ζεις για χρόνια πάνω από τις δυνάμεις σου, κι όταν έλθει η ώρα του λογαριασμού να απαιτείς όχι μόνο να σου δανείζουν, αλλά και να δέχονται τους όρους σου. Αριστερό δεν είναι να καταγγέλλεις, να δημαγωγείς και να εκβιάζεις, δεν είναι να κόβεις γέφυρες και να απομονώνεσαι, αλλά να ακούς, να αναλύεις, να συνθέτεις και να χτίζεις συμμαχίες για το καλό, το δικό σου και των άλλων. Η τόλμη μπορεί να είναι αριστερή, το θράσος ποτέ».

Μιχάλης Μητσός – ΤΑ ΝΕΑ

For a Horse-Shoe Nail

«For the want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For the want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For the want of a horse the rider was lost.
For the want of a rider the battle was lost.
For the want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horse-shoe nail».

Old English Nursery Rhyme


«Your attackers were the bandits Yashka Koshelkov, Zayats the Driver and Lenka the Bootmaker. A flat where the bandits had their meeting-place was discovered, and the landlord has since committed suicide». K.G. Rozental’s, chief of criminal investigation, report to Lenin.

Libertarians and Economic Hell

«…the Libertarians are actively promoting policies sure to bring about immediate economic hell, in the faith that punishment and suffering are the prerequisites to an economic afterlife in a better world. While in the end their philosophy of economic karma may ultimately prove correct, before accepting the remedy of recovery through collapse, other approaches should be put to the test. Economic reincarnation could take much longer than the Libertarians anticipate. The Renaissance did follow the fall of Rome—but only after ten centuries».

The New Depression:The Breakdown of the Paper Money Economy

«Θα αυτοκτονούσα»

«Αυτές τις μέρες το τι μαργαριτάρια έχω ακούσει (σ.σ. για την οικονομία), αφού γελάω μόνη μου! Ειλικρινά σας λέω, ευτυχώς που είμαι στο ΚΚΕ. Αν με έβαζε το Κόμμα να πω τέτοια πράγματα, θα αυτοκτονούσα»! Αλέκα Παπαρήγα, από τα πρακτικά της συνάντησης με Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας

Virtual Senate

«To quote from the professional literature, free flow of capital creates a “virtual senate” of lenders and investors who carry out a “moment-by-moment referendum” on government policies, and if they find them irrational—that is, designed to help people, not profits—they vote against them by capital flight, attacks on currency, and other means. Democratic governments therefore have a “dual constituency”: the population, and the virtual senate, who typically prevail». The Global Industrial Complex